Apartment building in Värtsi 7, Tallinn

Nõmme is probably one of the most pleasant living environments in Tallinn, where a peaceful neighborhood, green pine trees, and good connections to the city center have made the Nõmme district an elite area from which it is not so easy to leave. 

Pinska Woodmill also makes small contributions to shaping the living environment in Nõmme. For the renovation of Värsti 7 wooden apartment building, Pinska produced UYK Nõmme cladding boards, cornices, and other details.

Painted wooden cladding

Pinska värvitud voodrilauad

Värvitud voodrilaua müük

Värsi 7 kortermaja Nõmmel, Tallinnas

Värvtiud fassaadilauad

Karniisilauad, veevöö ja muud puidust iludetailid

industrial painted cladding


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